Montag, 27. Juni 2011

Chavez tot! Neuer Konfliktherd in Suedamerika!

Chavez tot! Ein neuer Konflikt in Venezuela zeichnet sich ab!

Nach dem “Arabischen Fruehling” ist nun auch ein “Suedamerikanischer Fruehling” inklusive Kuba zu erwarten.

Chavez dead! A new conflict is emerging in Venezuela!

After the "Arab Spring" is now also a "South American Spring", including Cuba, is expected.

There's A Totally Baseless Rumor Out There That Hugo Chavez Is Dead
Joe Weisenthal | Jun. 26, 2011, 7:28 PM | 2,612 | 14

Is Hugo Chavez dead?
Probably not.
Twitter is buzzing on the matter, but it's all apparently due to a Twitter account called Wikileaks Argentina, which has nothing to do with the actual Wikileaks, but has been tweeting the same Chavez death rumor since yesterday morning. And since it has Wikileaks in its handle, and since it uses the same icon as the actual Wikileaks account, it's suckering in a few people.
All that being said, by multiple accounts Hugo Chavez is quite sick, having gone to Cuba for surgery. Some reports have him in critical condition.
For what it's worth, the Venezuelan government has denied that he's in critical condition.
Perhaps the brightest red flag out there is the official Hugo Chavez twitter account, which has been tweeting up a storm lately, in what might come off to some as over-compensation.
The latest tweet says:
Llegaron Rosinés y mis nietos Gaby, Manuelito y El Gallito a visitarme. Ah, qué felicidad recibir este baño de amor! Dios me los bendiga!
Which means according to Google Translate:
Rosines and grandchildren came Gaby, Manuelito and El Gallito to visit. Ah, what bliss to receive this bath of love! God bless me!
An earlier one says:
Ralf Guenther
Prophet, Visionaer, Berater und Schriftsteller

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hugo Chavez, der venezolanische Praesident hat Krebs in forgeschrittenem Stadium (Metastasen) und noch eine kurze Lebenserwartung. Er ist ueberzeugter Sozialist und Kritiker der Katholischen Kirche.
    Seine Vorbilder Karl Marx und Fidel Castro, welche sich als Atheisten bezeichneten, aber in Wirklichkeit nicht gottlos sind (siehe mein Blog:, bestimmten seine Politik.
    Wie viele indianisch abstammenende Venezolaner pflegen sie den synkretisch, christlich und schamanisch-animistisch geprägten “María Lionza-Kult”, welcher immer mehr Anhaenger erhält.
    Chavez ist glaeubig und aus diesem Grund werde ich ihm helfen, so wie ich Fidel Castro geholfen habe.
    Sein Tod wuerde zu einer Destabilisierung Lateinamerikas fuehren und einen “Flaechenbrand” ausloesen.
    Ralf Guenther
    Philosoph, Prophet, Visionaer, Berater und Schriftsteller!/AdamKadmonRalf

  2. Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president has cancer in advanced stage (metastatic) and a short life expectancy. He is a staunch socialist and critic of the Catholic Church.
    His models of Karl Marx and Fidel Castro, who described themselves as atheists, but in reality are not wicked (see my blog: and, given its policy.
    How many come from Indian border to foster the Venezulan syncretic, Christian and animist shamanic marked "Maria Lionza cult", which gets more and more supporters.
    Chavez is a believer and that's why I'm going to help him, as I have helped Fidel Castro.
    His death would lead to a destabilization of Latin America and cause a "conflagration".
    Ralf Guenther
    Philosopher, prophet, visionary, consultant and writer # / AdamKadmonRalf
